External Threat Monitoring

Outbound data flow possess breach and malware risk. Aurva stops breaches before they happen with real-time threat detection & advanced intelligence power. So as you enjoy peace of mind knowing your data is secured

Proactive Threat detection & response

Geo-political risk assessment

Third party & regulatory compliance

Data on the Move

Track all about third party data including:

  • Data leaving your organisation

  • Access ights and outbound data flows including paid API usage

  • Purpose and location of data movement

Localized ML model

Agentless eBPF

No computational impact

Advanced Anomaly Detection

Prevent potential attacks and ensure compliance with

  • Real time egress monitoring to pin point malware, attackers and affected data in real time

  • AI-based advanced anomaly detection to identify data transfers to suspicious locations

Minimal MTTD

Real time monitoring

No computational impact

Rapid Breach and Misconfiguration Fixes

Minimize exposure & impact with our comprehensive solution providing

  • Real time alerts for misconfiguration or breaches

  • In person support for immediate remediation

Minimal MTTR

Remediate like your team

No computational

Get Comprehensive Outbound Data Security

Book a 30-minutes consultation slot with Aurva Infosec experts today!

External Threat Monitoring

Outbound data flow possess breach and malware risk. Aurva stops breaches before they happen with real-time threat detection & advanced intelligence power. So as you enjoy peace of mind knowing your data is secured

External Threat Monitoring

Outbound data flow possess breach and malware risk. Aurva stops breaches before they happen with real-time threat detection & advanced intelligence power. So as you enjoy peace of mind knowing your data is secured

Proactive Threat detection & response

Geo-political risk assessment

Third party & regulatory compliance

Proactive Threat detection & response

Geo-political risk assessment

Third party & regulatory compliance

Data on the Move

Track all about third party data including:

  • Data leaving your organisation

  • Access ights and outbound data flows including paid API usage

  • Purpose and location of data movement

Localized ML model

Agentless eBPF

No computational impact

Data on the Move

Track all about third party data including:

  • Data leaving your organisation

  • Access ights and outbound data flows including paid API usage

  • Purpose and location of data movement

Localized ML model

Agentless eBPF

No computational impact

Advanced Anomaly Detection

Prevent potential attacks and ensure compliance with

  • Real time egress monitoring to pin point malware, attackers and affected data in real time

  • AI-based advanced anomaly detection to identify data transfers to suspicious locations

Minimal MTTD

Real time monitoring

Advanced Anomaly Detection

Prevent potential attacks and ensure compliance with

  • Real time egress monitoring to pin point malware, attackers and affected data in real time

  • AI-based advanced anomaly detection to identify data transfers to suspicious locations

Minimal MTTD

Real time monitoring

Rapid Breach and Misconfiguration Fixes

Minimize exposure & impact with our comprehensive solution providing

  • Real time alerts for misconfiguration or breaches

  • In person support for immediate remediation

Minimal MTTD

Remediate like your team

Rapid Breach and Misconfiguration Fixes

Minimize exposure & impact with our comprehensive solution providing

  • Real time alerts for misconfiguration or breaches

  • In person support for immediate remediation

Minimal MTTD

Remediate like your team

Get Comprehensive Outbound Data Security

Book a 30-minutes consultation slot with Aurva Infosec experts today!